The Penguin
The Penguin Poster

The Penguin

The Penguin is an American crime drama television miniseries developed by Lauren LeFranc for HBO. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name, it serves as a spin-off sequel to the film The Batman (2022), following Oz Cobb's rise to power in Gotham City's criminal underworld.

1 Episodes

Added on: 30/11/2024

Last updated: 30/11/2024

Now Playing: After Hours


After Hours

In this episode, Oz Cobb attempts to fill the power vacuum in Gotham City's criminal underworld after the death of Carmine Falcone and a post-flood crime wave. Oz finds a potential recruit in Victor Aguilar, and also deals with Falcone's children, who are trying to keep their family together

Added: 30/11/2024